Skibi Castle Defense 2 v3 (pre-alpha demo for Indiecade) released on


  • Brand new art style for everything in. Yay Annie!
  • Music added for main screen, round (Summer), and Battle (SummerBattle) with cross-fading functionality. Yay Vic!
  • SFX on most gameplay events (mixing and variants to come later)
  • Countdown from X minutes instead of counting up to infinity time (0 time left = fail)
  • Hotkeys added for tower building and most gameplay related buttons
  • Added 1x - 2x speed toggle button
  • Default attack behavior changed from nearest to farthest
  • New targeting system - click on a tower to assign preferred targeting against specific flags (closest, farther, most hp, least hp)
  • You can also see your range when you click on a tower
  • Leaks readded to game, but simply reduce time
  • Redesigned a few ranger towers so they had more utility and usefulness 
  • Added 'Sprinkles' to help you understand the lane flow in build phase
  • Press ESC will open up the game menu, pausing it, and giving you the ability to hop between the game and metagame
  • Leaderboard functionality to display scores on score screen works. However, it's only using older v2 data (v2 was just so different).


  • Metagame added, the main goal of every 'zone' to beat your high score across these scoring vectors. Lower is better!
    • Time (left on the clock at end of battle)
    • Cost (mana cost spent on towers)
    • Distance (max distance any enemy traveled that battle)
    • Gold/Silver/Bronze scoring system (X% then Y% remaining)
  • Autosave support added, as well as your max scores by level & name
  • New game, continue game, reset game data, and quit added to main game
  • Updated level select screen to reflect your progress
  • The 'Shop' for the metagame made a brief appearance but for the sake for v3, it is disabled.

Polish / Major Bug Fixes

  • Enemies flip as well while moving
  • Towers flip when aiming and shooting at enemies
  • Towers 'pulse' when attacking
  • Random % for quotes added
  • Towers that are ready to shoot should wait for an enemy to come in THEN shoot, instead of refreshing their fire rate
  • Towers also are ready to shoot at the very beginning of the round
  • Started work on making the 'simulation' accurate between round to round but efforts there need to be done closer to major releases as it is a fair amount of refactor. But major things are polished like timing on tower attacks and how enemies spawn.
  • Tower and enemy tooltips polished and use a new art style
  • Cost tooltip in HUD updates based on whether you can afford it or not (light blue or red)
  • Countless updates and improvements for under the hood stuff. Suffice to say, I leveled up as a programmer several times between v2 to v3.

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